Region 4 Director: Lynn Keck


Kelli Ballard, President
Cindy Dollman, Vice President
Sonya Pacey, Secretary
Ethan Lynn, Treasurer
Kelli Ballard, Membership
Regetta Wharram, Past President


Illinois Valley Bylaws - Chartered May 1968

Upcoming Events

February 24, 2025:  Illinois Valley Reading Council will host Cultivating a Comprehensive Literacy Approach:  Nurturing Reading Proficiency and Passion with Cindi Koudelka in Peoria, Illinois.  More information will be available soon.

March 13-14, 2025:  Illinois Reading Council will host the 56th Annual IRC Conference in Springfield, Illinois.  Please take a moment to peruse the highlights planned for 2025.


For more information about the upcoming events, email the council president.