The Illinois Reading Council (IRC) advocates for high-quality literacy opportunities that empower all learners. As a leading literacy organization, IRC provides access to research, materials, and methodologies to teach literacy and promote lifelong learning. As an active well-organized system of local and special interest councils and state committees, IRC also provides a supportive network for grassroots involvement and the exchange of information for a diverse membership.
In support of the Illinois Literacy Plan, IRC would like to share the following free learning resources with school districts, teachers, and parents to help support student learning. If you have any questions about these resources, please reach out to the IRC Office at anytime.
Encouraging Children’s Voices: Supporting Primary Students’ Questioning and Seeking. Martin, Nicole M. 2, pp. 12-23.
Shanahan on Literacy. Shanahan, Timothy. 2, pp. 5-8.
Scaffolds to Support Reading Comprehension for English Language Learners. Jozwik, Sara L. 1, pp. 51-54.
Word Choice: A Neglected but Key Skill for ELL Writers. Lems, Kristin. 4, pp. 74-77.
Elevating Teachers and Teaching: Changing the Narrative. Degener, Sophie, Garcia, Adelfio, Sitkoski, Ivy, & Mireles, Martin. 4, pp. 60-64.
Let’s Turn Old Models Upside-Down this Spring! Degener, Sophie, Garcia, Adelfio, & Sitkoski, Ivy. 2, pp. 41-44.
Reading, Writing, and Comprehending in a Culturally Responsive Teaching World. Degener, Sophie, Garcia, Adelfio, Sitkoski, Ivy, & Mireles, Martin. 3, pp. 39-43.

- Researched Literacy Development
- Literacy Terminology
- Inquiry Based Learning
- Information Learning, Social Studies & Science
- Process and On Demand Writing
- Vocabulary Development
- Digital Learning
- Social Emotional Learning
- Reading Interventions
- Gifted Education
- English Learners
- Culturally Relevant and Diverse Teaching and Learning
- Reading WITH Students

- Illinois Reads is an Annual Statewide Literacy Program to promote reading for all Illinois Citizens.
- A variety of topics and themes are chosen for each of the six age bands from birth to adult.
- The work of Illinois Authors is especially highlighted.
- IRC holds an Annual Book Festival that ALL are invited to attend each year!
- In partnerships with the Illinois State Library, Family Reading Nights are held throughout Illinois.
- Teacher Guides are available.
- and don't miss the FREE Bookmarks and Posters!

Each issue of the IRC Communicator is filled with topics that include:
- What I Am Reading
- Highlight Reel of Successes from Classrooms
- Themed Book Lists
- Tips for Teaching Writing
- Literacy Meets STEM
- SEL via Literacy
- Trauma Informed Practices
- Culturally Responsive Teaching
- Strategies for Struggling Readers
- And so many other literacy topics
IRC offers monthly webinars for members only. Members can watch the live or recorded webinars to earn PD clock hours. Mark your calendars to take part in this convenient, free membership benefit.
IRC will offer quarterly book clubs for members only. Books chosen will be on diverse and timely topics. To find out more, visit the book club webpages.