Barack Obama Library Award. Do you know a teacher of 5th-8th-grade kids who could make good use of a classroom library? This award is a classroom library, valued at $1000, which was created in 2006 through a generous gift to the IRC from (then) Senator Obama. This collection is comprised of carefully selected literature that is culturally relevant for African-American readers and targets students in the middle-school (5th-8th) grade range. The Nomination Guidelines and Form are available online. Nominations are due by November 1.
Council of Excellence Award. The Award of Excellence recognizes local and special interest councils that organize and conduct well-rounded programs serving the council members, the community, and the state association. The Application Form and Guidelines are available online. Applications are due by October 1.
Family Literacy Award. This award recognizes an IRC member who promotes and supports parent involvement in children's reading. Deadline for nominations is November 1. The Nomination Form is now available online.
Hall of Councils. The Hall of Councils at the annual IRC Conference allows councils the opportunity to advertise activities and accomplishments and to promote membership with a display.
Jerry Johns Reading Educator of the Year Award. This award recognizes an outstanding teacher who make contributions in promoting literacy among students, colleagues, and school communities. This award is supported by a generous gift from Jerry Johns. Deadline: Application Form, letters of recommendation, and your philosophy statement are due by November 1. The Nomination Form is now available online.
ILA Exemplary Reading Program Award. The ILA Exemplary Reading Program Award is sponsored by the International Literacy Association to recognize outstanding reading and language arts programs at all grade levels (elementary, middle, and high school). The deadline is December 15.
Prairie State Award for Excellence in Writing for Children. This award recognizes an Illinois Children's/young adult author whose body of work demonstrates excellence, engenders a love of literature, and embraces an important part of the mission of the Illinois Reading Council—to promote lifelong literacy. The Nomination Form is due by June 15.
Static Stick Decal Design Contest. Students in grade 4, 5, or 6 are encouraged to create an original design promoting reading. The winning design is printed on static stick decals. Entries must be postmarked no later than January 15. The Application Form is now available online.
International Grant. The International Committee of the Illinois Reading Council has created a grant to promote literacy projects internationally. Studies indicate that poverty levels and literacy rates are inversely proportional. By supporting our international community in the areas of literacy, it in turn improves our universal society. The IRC wants to support these efforts. The Grant Application and Guidelines are available online. The maximum amount per grant is $500. The application deadline is May 1. Grants will be awarded for the next fiscal year from July to June. Awards will be announced by July 15.
Literacy Support Grant. The Illinois Reading Council will award financial grants to local and special interest councils and individuals council members for the purpose of promoting literacy development in the school and community, and/or providing professional development opportunities related to the improvement of reading and writing instruction. If fulfilling one of the above stated purposes requires a joint effort with another school, district, or other agency, letters stating their intended involvement are required from these agencies. The grant application can be submitted through the Online Grant Application Form. There is no specific amount per grant. The amount awarded for each grant may be less than the amount requested. Application deadline is May 1. Grants will be awarded for the next fiscal year from July to June. Awards will be announced by July 15.
For more information, contact us at [email protected].